Saturday, November 5, 2011

5 ways to find your love

It's important to find what you love. To do it unapologetically. Because only when you really do what you want are you in your element. Here's 5 ways to find just what that is.

Experiment - Change something. Figure out what you like. Figure out what drains you. Fill in the blank, "I feel free when I ________" and maximize your time doing that and minimize the draining activities.

Go somewhere new - Classic. If you don't like where you are, move. Then make a list of why you like the new place better.

Read/Write - Read something you like and agree with. Then read something you don't like and don't agree with. Because that's the only way you grow. Through uncomfortable circumstances/ideas. Then write a manifesto about why you agree with one and not the other. Or about horses. Just take a stand and create something about it.

Watch the sunrise - Wake up early, go outside and smell the air. Almost everything is quiet, calm, and charming in the morning. Remember (and keep) that calmness as you go through your day. It makes you think about things you never considered when you were busy. Breathing and thinking is all you have to focus on.

Believe in yourself - Trust yourself. Know that if you find something "impossible" that's what you should go for. Because it's likely possible. Human flight (with landing) wasn't possible in 1902. But in 1903 it suddenly was. Why? Because someone figured out how to do it. You and I know their names 108 years later because of it. So do the impossible.

Life should be simple. 

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