Saturday, October 15, 2011

I've Got A Secret....

  So, I love coffee. Not a healthy love, mind you. One of those It-ruins-my-day-if-I'm-out-of-coffee addictions. I always hated that word, addiction, because it makes it sound like a problem. So I coined a new phrase. I'm favorably enslaved by coffee. Much better, right? Anyway, this brings me to my point. I've decided to show the world (or at least those in my home) this love of coffee. But how? It would be difficult (and time consuming) to make a man sized statue of a coffee bean in my living room, not to mention all the cost of materials and (probably) hiring a professional when I screw it up. Well, there is a solution.

My brother recently started a business that sells the most epic vinyls. Why would I want vinyls? You ask in your head, politely writing this post off as one of those crazy marketing posts that have nothing to back them up. Well, hold on a minute and we'll get to that. These vinyls can be put on walls (hence the name), glass, laptops, metal, cars, and too many other surfaces to (politely) name here. Oh, he can also make (almost) whatever you want. Just email him here.

I saw this and thought, "My peril has come to an end!" And it did. I bought a vinyl from and all was well. It shipped within 3 days and was here and ready for its close up in no time. This is the actual picture, and I am stoked to have everyone (in my home) know about my love of coffee.

Do you have a favorable enslavement with no way to show everyone who walks through your door? Well, the future is here, and it's on Enjoy and tell no one. (or everyone)

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