Monday, October 31, 2011

8 ways to be nicer

Kindness is one of the most powerful forces known to man. You can accomplish anything, and you need others to help with everything. So you'll have to learn to communicate, respect others, and get along.

Here's 8 ways to help you be nicer (and happier)

Give An Unexpected Gift - It's hard to overestimate the power of an unexpected gift. It can mend relationships, bring people closer, and make you both happier. It doesn't have to be huge, and the effects are immediate and apparent.

Smile - A sincere smile creates an instant bond, even between strangers. It's like instant acceptance, almost as if to say "I don't know you but I like you" (without being creepy) Try it.

Pay Someone A Compliment - Compliments are wonderful. Just make sure it's sincere.  "But what if I don't like anything that person does? How am I supposed to compliment them sincerely?" You ask. If I look hard enough, I can find something I like in everyone. Just be willing to find it.

Ask Something Unexpected - Rather then asking "How are you?" because that elicits a fake and preloaded response, ask something like "How's your day going?". It works wonders to get people to make a genuine connection.

Remember Names - This is one of the most overlooked (but important) things ever. If people aren't important enough for you to remember their names, you're (almost) better off ignoring them in the first place. Rhyme it with something, keep a notebook to write it down, or put it in your phone as fast as you can. Just remember it. They do notice when you forget their names and it's the worst for both of you. Also if you do forget and don't want to make it awkward by asking their name, try this trick. Ask how to spell their name. It's very effective.

Help Someone In Need - See that guy working who's not quite getting that box into that truck? Help him. It might make a world of difference in that instant (or day) that he really needed. Just remember when you were in a situation like that and a stranger came out of nowhere to help you. Be that stranger.

Be Honest - 100% honesty isn't common. It never was. Neither was 75%. 50% was for a time, but no longer. Strangers lie on average 3 times within meeting each other. Average married couples lie in 1 out of every 10 interactions. Just be honest. It might hurt now, but you will be better for it later. (Also people remember when you told the truth in that tough situation.)

Forgive Instantly - Not in a week. Not in 24 hours. Now. Remember when you screwed up and were forgiven. There's absolutely no use in holding a grudge. All you do is hurt yourself. So let it go, smile and move on. Try not to even remember it.

Get your sister something for no other reason than she wants it. Smile at a stranger, and tell them how much you like their shoes. Ask that clerk how her day's going, and remember her name for next time. Help that child get the door open. When your boss asks you if it was you that accidentally threw away his TPS report, tell the truth. Get out there, live, and forgive.

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