Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Plug your ears

Know who you shouldn't listen to.

Here's the test. If they aren't (or won't soon be) where you want to be, disregard anything they have to say on the subject. No matter how good intentioned they may be, they obviously don't understand how to get there.

You might just be better off doing the opposite. Let's use olympic swimming as an example. If I want to be an olympic swimmer, I'm not going to listen to my mom on how to get there. Because she's not an olympic swimmer. I'm going to listen to Michael Phelps. Same goes for success.

If this person is telling me to go to school and they're $100,000 in debt, I probably shouldn't listen to them  if I want to be successful. If Bill Gates tells me to go to school however, I should probably get my a** to class. (Sorry, I had to.)

Just remember that while they may have good intentions, plug your ears when (in my case unsuccessful) people give you advice.

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