Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Shoot for the moon

Start something, now. Go make something and show, give or sell it to the world. Could you fail? Of course.

But the only things that really succeed and make a splash are things that could've gone south.

I use the analogy of target shooting. Most people shoot at the ground directly in front of them. They get predictably mediocre results, every time. You will hit the ground 100 times out of 100 that you shoot for it. Successful people, however, shoot for the moon. Will they hit it every time? Nope. They might not hit it within the first two thousand times.

But that one time they do, they're set for life.

If you knew...

If you knew you were Bill Gates or Timothy Ferriss or Rihanna, and no one else knew it yet, what would you do? Would you do the same things or go to the same places everyone else does?

Or would you act, think and be different?

If you were special, I think you would be starting a business, or writing a book, or promoting yourself. I imagine you would be doing amazing things.

None of these people started out extraordinary. They are extraordinary because they do extraordinary things. Not vice versa.

So, why not be spectacular, brilliant, and original? Why not start something that could fail?